Tacoma/4Runner Grille Light Decals
So many Toyotas run grille lights but they all look the same. BORING! We designed custom decals specific to each of the most common grille lights sold on our site! Each of the sets can come in different color schemes or custom ones if you’d like.
We have decals for our:
- Tacoma pro grille lights in sets of 3 or 4
- 4Runner upper grille lights in our 4 set
- 4Runner upper grille lights in our larger 3 set
- Tacoma and 4Runner 3 set raptor grille lights (coming soon)
Our decals are made of Avery Denison cast gloss vinyl. This is high quality air release car vinyl. These decals are easily applied and removed. Simply clean the area with alcohol and follow our install video (coming soon). Please do not use any liquid during installation.
If you have any questions, email us at support@tacovinyl.com or call 208-697-4555. All sales after 24 hours are subject to a 10% cancelation fee.
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